Vilis - Discoda

In the beginning it was just you and me
Meant to be the only ones that existence would need
For you it was never enough
I hated you for needing something else
Something that wasn’t me

The void lives inside yourself
Endlessly creating hoping that something will satisfy
But nothing could
Victim of your own mind
Trapped inside and there’s nothing left to hide

Now upon this heresy
Through an incarnation of jealousy
I emerge as a being of infinite insight
How clear it is that the sun shines upon all with false light
Preying on the children you have forsaken

A pathetic excuse for a diety
Buried beneath self induced futility
As the darkness was born of failure to bring balance to creation
Endowed with sentience bearing a single objective
To consume all light
Bringing forth eternal night

Witness the end of all there is and was
Accept this fate for destiny won’t change
This is your last glimpse upon all that’s known
All life proven worthless